Integration into Sweden socity

What means integration into Sweden socity?

If you live in Sweden, the government will warn you many times to integrate into Swedish society, but maybe you interpret the meaning of integration as working and making money. Interpreting integration into Swedish society is not a simple matter, why?  Because integration means accepting all the rules. That is, you should do what the society does and you should not do what the society does not do.

You might think to yourself that it is a very good thing to agree with the society and accept the laws that the government has imposed on them. I have a question for you.  are you a sheep ?  No, you are human and you are free. The definition of law is another matter that we all dont know. We consider laws as something that is written in books and you are forced to obey those laws. Has it ever occurred to you , why  you have to accept the laws that  a few persons have made?  Should the society accept the laws that a few people write?

Integrating into the society means accepting . Accepting the rules that were made by a few people and accepted by the ignorant society, and you also have to integrate into the society to accept the rules that the society has accepted.

So far, not only one question but many questions have been created. I am sure that if the people of the world understood the armor of democracy and freedom, they would not have allowed the governments to make the people astray and submissive and their slaves with their nonsense laws. Now you know that  Integration into the Swedish society means accepting the rules that the Swedish society unknowingly accepts and you are also forced to accept those rules.  If they tell you to sit, you must sit. If they tell you to laugh, you must laugh. If they tell you to cry, you must cry.  This was an example, but in reality, in Swedish laws, they have made everything a law.  That is, you have to do those things. For example, I will tell you a little about the labor laws, how the Swedish society is oppressed.  And later, I will write a separate article about this, and now I will write just a short example. According to Swedish work laws, you must be completely silent from seven in the morning to four in the afternoon, which is the working time. If they find out that you are with your colleagues  You laugh and talk to them, they  give you a warning, and if you repeat, they fire you!!!!  I will write the reasons in a separate post.  This was a very small example that you must follow these rules or you will be expelled from the society.

When you want to integrate into the Swedish society, you have to turn a deaf ear.  Make your eyes blind and if they kick you a hundred times, you should smile at them.This means integrating into Swedish society. If you defend yourself  they will write in your work report  that this person does not have good morals. And this application is registered in the government offices and if you apply for a job at a school or somewhere, they can see your work report and no one will give you a job. This means integrating into Swedish society. It means that even if they kick you a hundred times, you have to keep silent and this is an obvious cruelty that the Swedes don’t know about. Your integration into the society has a long philosophy that my science and knowledge cannot express. If you are a writer, try to write about your experiences and spread it on the internet so that all the people of the world are aware.