Insult clture in Sweden

A good year can be seen from its spring.

 I have read this sentence in many textbooks, but I did not understand its meaning until I became an immigrant and in solitude, silence and darkness.  I thought and thought to myself and migration taught me many lessons and one of the lessons of migration is that words you don’t understand give meaning to you and teach you sentences you don’t understand and remind you of experiences you haven’t experienced.  Sometimes be alone with yourself and interpret the actions of others in solitude, and if you find good deeds, do them, and if you find bad deeds, don’t do them, and be a man and stand firm and strong against oppression.  Sometimes it takes time to rise up so that dictatorship is destroyed, and sometimes it takes time to rise up by writing, and according to the necessity of the time you live in, try and inform people, and the duty of a free man is to guide the society towards good things.  And know that writing is a powerful weapon that no bomb can deal with.

What is the culture of insult and what is its use?

 If I am not mistaken and from the experiences I have gained from within the society, the culture of insult is a key and widely used culture in Swedish society, and it means that if you start a new job or start a new school or enter  in a new place where you work or live and they insult you more and more on the first day.  It may be surprising to you what kind of people they are who insult you on the first day.  Well, this is not a problem for me because our culture is a culture of friendship and intimacy, and if we meet someone for the first time, we welcome him with great respect, and it does not matter to us who are they .   If we hire someone, we welcome him with a lot of kindness and kindness, and if we see bad things from him, we happily forgive him, and this will make him stop doing bad things, but in Sweden, this culture is the opposite.  It means that they will insult you on the first day and it is better to ask them the reasons and I will not write the reasons because if I write these reasons it will be an insult to humanity.

 In any case, if you are planning to immigrate to Sweden, you should be very aware of this because there is a culture of insults everywhere, from school to neighbors and so on.

Of course, I have to tell you that my first day in Sweden was equal to insult.

 My companions and I entered an immigration camp and we were supposed to live there for an indefinite period, and on the first day we entered the camp, they insulted us and told us that your value is equal to dogs.

 I thought to myself for a moment in absolute silence, what kind of rude beasts are they who compared us to dogs instead of saying hello, and at that time I didn’t understand that the culture of insult is one of the famous cultures of the Swedes.

My next experience of insulting culture was in the immigration office.  After four years, I got a legal residence in Sweden, and do you know what the immigration department told me?  He said with a very sarcastic smile, “Who gave you this accommodation?”  He meant that he should not receive resident with me.

My next experience of Swedish insult culture was at the skattverket

 After my stay, I have to go to this office to get some 12-digit numbers. I will write what these numbers are in a separate post.  Anyway, when I received this number, a fat woman told me who gave me this number?  Angry of course.  I didn’t even know that the culture of insult actually means welcoming.

I have many experiences in this regard, of course, I have forgotten most of them, and I joined a school, and then on the third day, two teachers insulted me.

 There is a culture of insults everywhere in Sweden.

 Another insult that was done to me was in the same school, but at the end of the year.

 A fat woman was assigned by the labor department to insult me ​​and she insulted and provoked me so much that finally I ran out of patience and I told her all the curses I could remember and she said with an evil smile that you expelled from school.

Many incidents of these insults have happened to me.  I think this is not only my problem, but the society’s problem, and this problem also goes back to the wrong education of the society, and the legislators think that whatever is in the law, everyone is free to do it, while our law is that anything that causes harm  Others are illegal.  I have stated these briefly and the insults that have happened to me in the past few years are too many and I hope you will choose another place to live.  Good luck.

This insulting culture is not only for me, but I know that it has happened to millions of people and if these incidents were only about me, I would not have written this article.