It is legal to work eight hours in all countries, but in Sweden you work nine hours, but you get paid for eight hours.
I would like to open a parenthesis that in Sweden there is a union of work companies, which means that the employers have a powerful union that whatever decision they make, the government must make a law for their decision. Because workers do not have a union in Sweden, therefore workers have to obey all the rules of employers.
One of the unfair and cruel rules of these employers is nine hours of work, but they pay you for eight hours.
If you work in Sweden, you have to wake up at five o’clock and be at work at seven o’clock in the morning until four o’clock in the afternoon, but these oppressors pay you for eight hours of work.
In all the countries of the world, workers start work at eight o’clock and finish work at four o’clock, but they get a full day’s pay, and apart from this, the employers also provide food for the workers, and the workers do not have to buy food for themselves.
But in Sweden, not only employers do not give you food, but they have also changed eight working hours to nine working hours
You don’t have the right to protest because the work mafias in Sweden are in power and enforce any law they want and the workers are forced to obey.
You will see that in the future they will make ten hours of work and pay you for eight hours.
If you want to immigrate to Sweden for job, never do this because there are many countries that have fair working conditions, and if you are creative, never come to Sweden because your creativity will not make you progress, but if you are creative, the profits of your creativity will go into the pockets of employers.
If you are talented and highly educated people, I suggest you immigrate to America for work because in America you can build your own company, but in Sweden you can never build your own private company and you have to work under employers for the rest of your life.