Reasons why Sweden join NATO

These days, Sweden’s joining NATO has been confirmed. I will express my opinion without bias as to why this was done. The population of Sweden is about ten million with one million immigrants. 2.6 million are old people, meaning they are over 60 years old. 24,000  People over 90 years old. 580,000 are also children. Those who are ready for military service are very few. We all know that war is different from chanting. In war, young men should fight.  In short, all young people will be lost, and in the absence of young people, the society’s economy will fall apart. I think that Sweden’s politicians have made the right decision. Joining NATO will save this collapse. In my opinion, the biggest reason for Sweden joining NATO is the lack of sufficient population in Sweden.  Sweden’s total active and reserve forces are 50,000, and if a war occurs, this number cannot even provide security for internal cities, let alone fight with foreign enemies.  and they also decided to join NATO. Another reason is the lack of fighting spirit among the Swedish people, and the Swedish army has no experience of war, and if a war happens, they will be defeated very quickly. I do not have much information about the Swedish army, my reviews are superficial.  And I am not 100% sure if my reasons are correct or not.

On the battlefield, soldiers are victorious if they can make a different decision at any moment and can change the battle situation very quickly, and we cannot learn such a reaction and knowledge in school. It is only the intelligence of the soldier that can determine how to fight.  My opinion of Swedish soldiers is that they cannot act freely on the battlefield because they do not learn, they have to decide for themselves how to fight and their training is based on the limited training course of the Swedish army. In my opinion, the battlefield is not a training field and every soldier must  can fight freely. Suppose you learn to drive a tank in the army training course, but when you go to war with this tank, if your enemy has war experience, you have no chance to win, and you can be sure that your tank will explode sooner and on your battlefield.  You should be able to fight freely and on your own decision. For example, your tank is surrounded by the enemy and the enemy helicopter attacks you from above, what should you do in this situation?  If you have acted freely in the training course, you can survive this situation, but if you are not taught to decide for yourself how to train, you will definitely be killed in a siege situation. This is one of the negative points in Sweden.  Teachers, etc., other educational places do not give freedom of action to make their own decisions.  And this lack of freedom of action will cause the defeat of the Swedish army. You see the American army, they fight very well on the battlefield, both because of their experience and because there is freedom of action in America. American soldiers have freedom of action during their training, they can fight as much as they want.  Wherever they try tanks and helicopters, they are trained according to their own decision, and this freedom of action makes the American soldiers invincible. The superiority of military equipment does not mean victory in the war, but the experience and freedom of a soldier, which determines the fate of the war.  This is a big weakness that Sweden’s enemies can take advantage of.  From a psychological point of view, Swedish politicians enjoy harassing and psychologically auditing Russia. This is one of the reasons why Sweden joined NATO.  And the next thing is that the Swedish government has kept the youth away from politics and the young people who have military qualifications have no interest in war and politics and are unaware of the world outside Sweden. We see this in social media and most of those who read the news.  They are middle-aged and old people watching.  I think that if a country attacks Sweden, all of Sweden will be evacuated in a week. I will continue the article in the future. Good luck.