Why you need information from this site?
The information I write on this website is one of the facts that you cannot find on any website. There are many websites that provide you with information about Swedish laws, but…
Criticizing and expressing fact is the right of free people, I write my experiences here in the form facts.I hope you dont judge me.I continue to write about scientific and other topics.
The information I write on this website is one of the facts that you cannot find on any website. There are many websites that provide you with information about Swedish laws, but…
Sweden has one of the best doctors and most equipped hospitals.
In this section, you can read about how to go to the hospital, call an ambulance and book an appointment
This article is very important for you who immigrate to Sweden, my experience of a few months in this school, be carefull
It is legal to work eight hours in all countries, but in Sweden you work nine hours, but you get paid for eight hours.
In this article, I will examine the level of science and knowledge of the Swedish people, and it is an interesting article that you should understand about. Swedish people have primary education!
Recently, I realized that the government punishes people physically in addition to mental punishment
A high percentage of the Swedish society suffers from mental illness and depression
In what ways is 30% of the tax of millions of people spent?
If you live in Sweden, people violate each other’s privacy with personal questions. They ask different questions. What are your plans in the future? where do you live ? you live alone ? Single or married and other personal questions.
I will write a separate article about crime statistics and the existence of various crimes, but here I want you to know that criminals are treated inhumanely.
You don’t have freedom of thought in Sweden and you better understand this
I am writing this while I am hospitalized in this hospital
Compatibility of Darwin’s theory and European society. Darwin said that humans are descended from monkeys, but what does his theory have to do with European society?
North Korean people are also law-abiding, but why do you have a double interpretation of law-abidingness between these two nations?
According to my interpretation, culture is the repeated actions of a society. And read more about this culture of insult
If you have depression and heart disease, do not open this page
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The Swedish goverments abuse of refuggees to spy on social, my own perspective and experiance.
A safe house for fugitive politiciations who have killed millions of people.
Middle aged women to have sex with young boys ,offer them money ,and old men also have underage girlfriends.
You have read on various sites about people being cold, but they didn’t tell you the reasons, read some reasons in this post, maybe it will surprise you.
Psychological and political reasons for Sweden joining NATO. An article for those interested in politics
You lose your culture. The existence of different cultures, languages, nationalities and religions has caused disruption in the society.